George James Software

VS Code

 VS Code release January 2025 (version 1.97)

 VS Code release January 2025 (version 1.97)

 VS Code release January
 2025 (version 1.97)

Visual Studio Code releases new updates every month with new features and bug fixes, and the January 2025 release is now available. Version 1.97 includes: 

* Next Edit Suggestions (preview) – Copilot predicts the next edit you are likely to make.

* Reposition Command Palette – Drag the Command Palette and Quick Inputs to a new position.

* Auto accept edits – Automatically accept edits from Copilot after a configurable timeout.

* Extension publisher trust – Keep your environment secure with extension publisher trust.

* Compound logs – Combine multiple logs into a single, aggregated log view.

* Filter output logs – Filter the contents of the Output panel.

* Git blame information – Rich git blame information and open on GitHub.

* Search values in debug variables – Filter and search for specific values in debug variables.

* Notebook inline values – View inline values for code cell variables in notebooks.

* Python no-config debug – Quickly debug a Python script or module without setup.

The release also includes contributions from John Murray, our Senior Product Engineer, through pull requests that address open issues. 

Find out more about these features in the release notes here.

For those with VS Code, your environment should auto-update. You can manually check for updates by running Help > Check for Updates on Linux and Windows or running Code > Check for Updates on macOS.

If you’re thinking about migrating from Studio to VS Code but need some help, take a look at the training courses George James Software offers here