George James Software

VS Code training courses

VS Code training for InterSystems technologies

VS Code Training

VS Code training for  
 InterSystems technologies

VS Code

VS Code
training for

Studio to VS Code


VS Code training

VS Code training  
 for InterSystems  

Since InterSystems have selected Visual Studio Code as their strategic IDE, George James Software is offering migration strategies and training to support the adoption of VS Code with InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health and HealthShare.

George James Software is in the unique position of having deep knowledge and understanding of both InterSystems platforms and VS Code. 

As well as our expertise in InterSystems platforms, we build and maintain a strong portfolio of VS Code extensions and actively contribute to VS Code itself. We submit pull requests every month that help to improve VS Code and address bugs and errors that affect developers. You can see our contributions here (GitHub login required).

We have been using InterSystems HealthShare Unified Care Record at Providence, along with Studio as our IDE, for many years. With the announcement that InterSystems has moved to VS Code as their strategic IDE, we contacted George James Software to help us with training for VS Code.

We arranged for the bespoke training course as it was an efficient way to train the team. The session was well-structured and straightforward – we received answers to questions on the spot as the trainer was helpful and knowledgeable in both InterSystems and VS Code.

Undertaking this training has ensured a similar level of knowledge across our development team and helped us with the learning curve involved in understanding a new tool. We’re now fully dependent on VS Code, thanks!

We have been using InterSystems HealthShare Unified Care Record at Providence, along with Studio as our IDE, for many years. With the announcement that InterSystems has moved to VS Code as their strategic IDE, we contacted George James Software to help us with training for VS Code.

We arranged for the bespoke training course as it was an efficient way to train the team. The session was well-structured and straightforward – we received answers to questions on the spot as the trainer was helpful and knowledgeable in both InterSystems and VS Code.

Undertaking this training has ensured a similar level of knowledge across our development team and helped us with the learning curve involved in understanding a new tool. We’re now fully dependent on VS Code, thanks!


VS Code training courses

Migrating from Studio to VS Code: The Basics (public webinar)

An interactive training webinar for those who have never used VS Code before and want hands-on help in getting set up and explaining the basics of how it works. 


VS Code for ObjectScript: Advanced Features (public webinar)

Tailored for ObjectScript developers, in this interactive training webinar you’ll learn how to take your server-side VS Code set up to the next level. 


Bespoke Training for VS Code (online or in person)

Recommended for 4+ attendees from the same organization, we’ll cover everything in the public webinar with the added advantage of being able to focus on the areas you need/want to cover. 


Full-Service Migration (online or in person)

Larger organizations will benefit from this service. We’ll work with you through the entire migration process: from the migration strategy to implementation and training. 



How to book onto a course

To book your place onto one of our webinars, please email us with the date you would like to book and how many people will be attending.

For our bespoke training sessions email us with an overview of your setup and if there is anything specific you would like us to focus on.

We offer two convenient payment options for our courses. We can send you an invoice, for which we’ll need a Purchase Order before the course starts, or you can choose to pay by credit card.