George James Software

Deltanji logo (bright green source control icon to the left of a pale blue circle)


Effective source control for healthcare

Deltanji Case Study

Effective source control
for healthcare

Deltanji Case Study

Effective source control
for healthcare

An image of Sonic Healthcare head office. The Sonic Healthcare logo is on the side of the building.

Sonic Healthcare is the leading specialist provider in pathology, radiology, general practice, and corporate medical services. With headquarters in Australia, they have operations spanning Australasia, Europe, and North America.

Using an effective source control solution has allowed them to manage complex codebases, facilitate seamless collaboration within development teams, and streamline deployment processes.

An image of Sonic Healthcare head office. The Sonic Healthcare logo is on the side of the building.

Sonic Healthcare is the leading specialist provider in pathology, radiology, general practice, and corporate medical services. With headquarters in Australia, they have operations spanning Australasia, Europe, and North America.


Sonic Healthcare's set up

Sonic Healthcare implemented Deltanji source control in 1999 and it has become an integral part of their system. They work with InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health, using Deltanji server-side for code management and to optimize their software development and release processes. As a result, Deltanji has enabled them to streamline their release workflows and achieve close control over their overall software lifecycle. 

A flowchart showing the flow of code through Sonic Healthcare's system. The code starts in Development, then moves to Quality Control where it can be approved or rejected. Reject code will go back to Development. Approved code will move to the Release Team for the Use Acceptance Testing System to move it to the appropriate Business Entity. Here, again, code can be approved or rejected. Rejected code moves back to development and approved code goes to the Release Team. The Release Team then schedule the code for release to the Live Environment.

The impact of using Deltanji


Two flowcharts showing Sonic's configuration before and after Deltanji. Before Deltanji, Sonic had a simple workflow from Dev to Test to Live. After Deltanji, Sonic's developers work in a Shared server-side development environment. Code is then merged to the main development environment, then goes through their testing procedure before being pushed to the live environment.

Centralized Environment

One of the reasons we enjoy working with Deltanji is that it is InterSystems native, so it understands InterSystems file types. In my experience, generic source control solutions require a lot more configuration.

Alignment with InterSystems IRIS