Multi-version code repository
Multi-version code
Configurable workflow
Configurable workflow
Support for branching and merging
Support for branching
and merging
Comprehensive audit history
Comprehensive audit
Deltanji source control is a fully configurable developer tool that tightly integrates into InterSystems IRIS. Its advanced features make it a sophisticated alternative to Git and GitHub – allowing users to perform concurrent development, and keep track of changes with a comprehensive audit trail and a fully configurable workflow that goes beyond CI/CD.
This provides clear visibility of the development process and, in turn, improves the code quality and maintainability of your system.
Deltanji is fully supported and can be configured to suit your needs. It has been widely adopted by individual developers, software consultants, large international organizations, and everyone in between working with InterSystems environments, and we offer a range of editions to suit different requirements.
Deltanji has increased how quickly we can prototype, test, and move into Production – while also taking away potential errors if you were to do it manually. It has been a big help to us.
Deltanji has increased how quickly we can prototype, test, and move into Production – while also taking away potential errors if you were to do it manually. It has been a big help to us.
* Version control with multi-version code repository
* Support for branching and merging
* Comprehensive audit trail
* Fully configurable workflows
* Client-side and server-side source control management
* Diff using Beyond Compare (team and enterprise editions only)
* Tight client integrations with InterSystems technologies
* Comprehensive tools for release management
* Full access control with role-based permissions
* Web user interface
* VS Code
* Studio
* InterSystems Management Portal
* InterSystems Management Portal Productions
We offer four editions of Deltanji:
* Solo – predefined workflow for single-user versioning of code in namespaces
* Team – configurable workflow for multiple users working in a single shared environment
* Enterprise – ultimate code management across multiple environments connected using InterSystems ECP
* Deploy – controlled installation into live environments of release packages created by a Deltanji Enterprise instance.
Deltanji requires either the Apache or Internet Information Services (IIS) web servers, and is compatible with the following InterSystems-supposed operating system:
* InterSystems IRIS
* Caché 2008.1 or later (†)
* Ensemble
* HealthShare
(†) for Deltanji Solo, Caché 2009.2 or later is required