Other Features

The menu bar gives access to some of the more general functions in the VC/m environment. The options that are available to each user may vary depending on their access rights. Options and their access rights are controlled by the system manager in the menu setup options.

The function of the menu bar options can also vary depending on what is selected in the folders panel. For example, if you have navigated to view a list of change requests, the File -> New opens a dialog window for the creation of a new change request. However, if you have navigated to view a list of objects, the File -> New opens a dialog window for the creation of a new object.

Right-click Context Menu

Right-clicking on items in the main panel give you access to a list of actions to perform on the item. These vary depending on the type of item. For example, right-clicking on an object may give you options such as Merge and Cancel, whereas right-clicking on change request does not give you these options.

The context menu also gives you the option of initiating a transfer, and allows you to select from a list of transfer types that are available for that item (such as Check out, Check in, Register, etc.)

The Work List

The work list is at the right-hand end of the select toolbar. It allows a selection of items to be grouped and then have an operation applied to them. It can be used to add components to an object version or to add object versions to a change request.

The work list button has a list icon and shows the number of items in the list. Hovering over the button displays the items currently in the work list.

Adding Items to the Work List

1. Select the item in the main panel.


  • EITHER Drag the item to the work list button on the select toolbar
  • OR Select 'Edit/Copy to Work List' from the menu
  • OR Press Ctrl-C on the keyboard

Pasting Items from the Work List

1. Select the item in the main panel to which the work list items are to be added. For example, if you are using the work list to add objects to a change request, select the change request in the main panel.


  • EITHER Select 'Edit/Paste from Work List' from the menu
  • OR Press Ctrl-V on the keyboard

Clearing the Work List

  • EITHER Click the 'Clear' button next to the work list
  • OR Select 'Edit/Clear Work list' from the menu.