Utilities and Housekeeping

Integrity Checker

The integrity checker validates the consistency of data within the VC/m repository.

To ensure that the VC/m system is kept in order, it is recommended that the integrity checker is run on a regular basis. The frequency with which this should be done will depend on the level of use and complexity of the system.

1. From the menu bar choose System -> Integrity Check.

2. A dialog will appear with options for performing the integrity check.

All Objects / Selected Objects
Toggle between an integrity check on all of the objects in the repository or those that match the selection criteria specified in the fields below.

Selection Criteria
Allows you to enter a selection criteria to specify which objects will be included in the integrity check. Type a selection filter into the Object field on the left and click Add to add it to the Selection Criteria field on the right.

For information about the syntax for selection criteria, see the article on selection criteria and filters.

Version at location
If 'Yes', checks that the VC/m system has the correct information about which locations the selected objects are active at. If 'Yes, and check existence of components', VC/m will also check that the selected objects' components exist at the physical storage spaces to which those location map.

Object definitions
Checks that information stored about the selected objects is correct.

Version at location index
Checks that the index of the version at location information (see above) is correct.

Change request of objects
Checks the integrity of the data stored about the change requests to which the selected objects belong.

Options available if 'All Objects' selected:

Change requests with any object
Checks the integrity of the data stored about all change requests contain objects.

Physical address labels

Component by location index

Physical libraries

Location by component index

Routine by version index

Repair errors
Repair any errors that are found.

Setting the Number of Items to Display

By default 1000 items are displayed in the main panel. This value can be altered in the setup properties. It is likely that you will need system manager access rights to access this setting.

1. In the folders panel, navigate to Setup -> Properties -> Browser Interface

2. In the Maximum number of items in browser display field, enter the revised figure

Note: Your browser will only be capable of displaying a certain number of items before crashing. Make sure the figure is not too high. If you can't find the item you are looking for, you can always apply selection criteria and filters.

3. Click 'OK' to confirm the change.


The debug panel can be used to aid you if any problems arise with your VC/m environment.

Purge Session Log

VC/m logs each user's session and the 'Purge Session Log' option removes any logs that are more than 10 days old. We would recommend that this is data is purged every so often to keep the system tidy. To do this, choose System -> Purge Session Log from the menu bar.

See Also: Main Panel