Installing VC/m Routines

Caché or Ensemble

The routines of the VC/m software are supplied in a file called VCM.RO.

1. If you have configured your system as described under 'Preparing the M Environment', the routines should be restored into the namespace which they are mapped to, e.g. VCM. Open a Terminal session and change into that namespace.

2. Restore the routines using the %RI utility. Opt to overwrite existing routines but not to display syntax errors, which occur because some of the distributed routines contain code specific to other M platforms.

> VCM>d ^%RI
Input routines from Sequential Device: /usr/vcm/VCM.RO Parameters: ("R")=>
File written by George James Software Limited using VC/m (%RO format) with extension INT and with description: VC/m (04 Oct 2013 13:31:45)
( All Select Enter List Quit )
Routine Input Option: All Routines
If a selected routine has the same name as one already on file, shall it replace the one on file? No => Yes
Recompile? Yes => Yes
Display Syntax Errors? Yes => No
^ indicates routines which will replace those now on file.
@ indicates routines which have been [re]compiled.
- indicates routines which have not been filed.
%vc@ %vcins@ ...
nnn routines saved.


The routines of the VC/m software are supplied in a file called VCM.RSA.

1. The routines should be restored into the VC/m installation directory (e.g. /usr/vcm). Change to that directory and restore the routines using the %RI utility:

$ gtm
GTM>d ^%RI
Routine Input Utility - Converts RO file to *.m files.
Formfeed delimited <No>?
Input device: <terminal>: VCM.RSA
George James Software Limited^INT^VC/m
VC/m (%RO format)
Output directory : /usr/vcm/
%vc %vcins ...
Restored xxx lines in xxx routines.

2. Once loaded, the routines must be compiled. Do not rely on GT.M's Auto-Link functionality as this may not correctly handle source files with names longer than 8 characters. Use the following command to compile all routines in the VC/m installation directory:

$ mumps *.m

Syntax errors will be reported, but these can safely be ignored. They occur because some of the distributed routines contain Caché-specific code.

Next Step

Next, run the installation script.