Change Request Selection Callouts

The following callouts relate to actions associated with change requests.

Default Values for Selection Filters

This callout is used to set default values for the selection filters. It must be written as a line label or routine call.

defaults^%vc029 is provided as an example.


do label^routine(user,.context,.filter)


fcode Function code for the transfer (or CHMAINT)
user Current user ID
context("function") Selected function code from transfer screen
context("objectVersion") Selected object version from transfer screen
context("fromLocation") Selected 'from location' from transfer screen
context("toLocation") Selected 'to' location from transfer screen
context("systems") Backslash delimited list of currently selected systems


filter("changeRequest") Default change request filter value
filter("ownerUserID") Default user ID filter value
filter("changeRequestType") Default change request type filter value
filter("status") Default change request status filter value

Filtering Rules

This callout is used to filter the values which are available in the selection field when change requests are being viewed in the main panel. It is called for each change request individually. It must be written as an extrinsic function.


set ok=$$label^routine(chtype,chref,chostat,chstat,.err)


user Current user ID
chref Change request code
filter("changeRequest") Change request filter value as entered on the selection field
filter("ownerUserId") User ID filter value as entered on the selection screen
filter("changeRequestType") Change request type filter value as entered on the selection screen
filter("status") Change request status filter value as entered on the selection screen


$$ 1 = Change request to be included in result list
0 = Change request not to be included in result list