Archive: Archive and purge old versions |
^%vc0as |
Audit: Audit trail |
^%vc340 |
Baseline: Create a new baseline |
^%vc440 |
Bulk: Transfer multiple objects between locations |
a20^%vc0re |
Cancel: Cancel an object checked-out in error |
^%vc0ca |
Change Request: Change request maintenance |
^%vc330("") |
Class: Location class maintenance |
^%vc290 |
Concurrent: Concurrent development analysis |
^%vc370 |
Delete: Remove an object completely |
^%vc520 |
Device Types: Device type maintenance |
^%vcset30 |
Diff: Compare two objects |
^%vc610 |
Find: Search for a string |
^%vc540 |
In: Check in an object |
^%vc220("IN") |
Install: Install objects from a sequential file |
^%vc460 |
Install: Installation settings |
^%vcset60 |
Integrity: Database integrity checker |
^%vc430 |
License: License key maintenance |
^%vc025 |
Load: Bulk registration of components to objects |
^%vc410 |
Location: Location maintenance |
^%vc280 |
Location: Location maintenance menu |
^%vcmenu("vcm1a") |
Matrix: Matrix of version by location |
^%vc560 |
Menu: Menu maintenance |
^%vc570 |
Merge: Merge two version of an object |
^%vc250 |
Module: Module maintenance |
^%vc310 |
Object: Object registration |
^%vcmenu("vc0mo") |
Add/Modify: Add an object or modify an existing one |
^%vc0mo |
Components: Add or modify components of an object |
^%vc0mo2 |
Delete: Delete an object |
^%vc0mo1 |
Move: Move a component from one object to another |
^%vc0mo5 |
Print: Print details of an object or objects |
print^%vc0mo3 |
Show: Display details of an object |
show^%vc0mo3 |
Out: Check out an object |
^%vc220("OUT") |
Overdue: Overdue checked out objects report |
^%vc360 |
Manager: VC/m System and Project Manager options |
^%vcmenu("vcm") |
Physical Location: Physical lovation maintenance |
^%vc270 |
Printers: Output device maintenance |
^%vcset20 |
Programmer: VC/m Developer options |
^%vcmenu("vcp") |
Properties: VC/m properties |
^%vcset50 |
Release: Release control sheet |
arpt^%vc0re |
Release: Release objects to one or more locations |
auto^%vc0re |
Rollback: Roll back objects from a backup file |
^%vc500 |
Routes: Transfer route maintenance |
^%vc300 |
Setup: VC/m Setup options |
^%vcmenu("vcsetup") |
Summary: Summary of transfers by period |
^%vc350 |
System: System maintenance |
^%vc260 |
Terminals: Terminal maintenance |
^%vcset10 |
Transfer: Transfer an object between locations |
^%vc220("XFER") |
Transfer Files: Naming of sequential files |
^%vcset40 |
Types: Change request type maintenance |
^%vc420 |
Unmatched: Unregistered components report |
^%vc400 |
User: User maintenance |
^%vc320 |
Version: Version across locations report |
^%vc390 |