Running Installation Script
The routine ^%vcins must be run to install the appropriate driver for your operating system and database server. This routine also creates root level entries for all globals used by Deltanji; installs menus and help files and creates icons for the browser interface. In order to create the icons, write access to the Deltanji installation directory is required.
Note: If Deltanji is being installed on GT.M, set the current directory to be the Deltanji directory before running ^%vcins.

1. Enter the following at the Caché or M command prompt and then choose the appropriate options for your system. The prompts and messages will vary from the example below depending on your platform and version. In particular, the CSP web-access method is only offered on InterSystems platforms. You should normally choose the CSP one whenever it is offered.
DELTANJI>d ^%vcins
Deltanji - Version 6.0
Change controlled
Copyright 1992,2015 George James Software Ltd
For support call +44-1932-252568
or e-mail
What type of database server are you running?
1 InterSystems Caché, Ensemble, HealthShare
2 Fidelity GT.M
3 M21 Limited M21
Database server (1-3)? <1> 1
What type of Operating System are you running?
1 Windows
2 OpenVMS
3 UNIX, Linux, etc.
Operating System (1-3)? <1> 1
Deltanji - installing Caché drivers ............
Deltanji - M Location driver - Installed
Deltanji - Packed Sequential File Location driver - Installed
Deltanji - Caché XML Sequential File Location driver - Installed
Deltanji - Library driver - Installed
Deltanji - Binary File Location driver
Use OS copy command to/from temporary file in current directory ? <N>
Deltanji - Text File Location driver
Use OS copy command to/from temporary file in current directory ? <N>
Deltanji - initializing global roots ...
Deltanji - Default user ID created = Administrator
Deltanji - Enter the directory specification of the location where Deltanji has been
installed <C:\Program Files\George James Software\Deltanji\>
Deltanji - License key file is C:\Program Files\George James\Software\Deltanji\vcm.key
Deltanji - When a text or binary file is written by Deltanji should it be set
to read-only (unless it is checked-out)? <Y>
Deltanji - Enable CSP web-access to Deltanji? <N> Y
Deltanji - Enable serverLink web-access to Deltanji? <N>
Deltanji - Installing menu and help data ...
Deltanji - Loading classes ... loaded
Deltanji - Load Studio classes, templates and add-ins ? <Y>
Deltanji - Preparing templates and add-ins
Load finished successfully.
Deltanji - Installation complete
2. You may wish to capture the text in case it is needed for subsequent review. As a minimum, note what was the default user ID created. In the example above it is Administrator.
Next Step
If you are performing a new Deltanji installation, configure a web server.
If you are performing a Deltanji upgrade, return to the upgrade instructions.