Deltanji 6.0 Release Notes
Version 6.0 was released on 8th January 2016.
Pre-Upgrade Steps
There are no pre-upgrade steps required by this release.
Post-Upgrade Steps
If your Deltanji instance creates transfer filesets for loading by VC/live instances you will need to upgrade those VC/live instances to 6.0 before they will be able to load new filesets.
New Product Name and Editions (VCM-D-0415)
The product is now called Deltanji. It was previously VC/m.
Deltanji is available in four editions: Solo, Team, Enterprise and Deploy. Supported VC/m sites upgrading from earlier versions receive Enterprise edition. Deltanji Deploy edition replaces VC/live.
Classes can now be stored in UDL format instead of XML format (VCM-D-0454)
New sites installing Deltanji 6.0 or later on Caché version 2014.1 or later will benefit from this enhancement automatically, which makes diffs of CLS components easier to understand. Existing sites wishing to use it should consult Support.
M-format mapping to a namespace with a default CSP application can support BIN and T type components directly (VCM-D-0449)
New sites installing Deltanji 6.0 or later will benefit from this enhancement automatically. Existing sites wishing to use it should consult Support.
New CSP-relative physical address syntax (VCM-D-0417)
New notation for specifying the physical address of bin-format and text-format storage. For example the address 'csp://USER' denotes the directory used by the CSP application for the USER namespace.
Add server-side information to Help/About box (VCM-D-0431)
Internal timestamps can be auto-updated from component timestamps (GJL705508)
When enabled, the Deltanji internal timestamp of a from-location component will be advanced to match the physical component timestamp just before the transfer dependency check occurs.
This feature is enabled by hierarchical settings in ^%vclt(format,"params"). For example, setting ^%vclt("bin","params","updateInternalTimestamp")=1 would make it happen for all components being fetched from bin-format storage, unless a specific setting at ^%vclt("bin","params","updateInternalTimestamp",psa) overrode this for one physical location, which in turn could be overridden by a setting in ^%vclt("bin","params","updateInternalTimestamp","*",ctype) targeting a single component type regardless of physical location, or an even narrower setting at ^%vclt("bin","params","updateInternalTimestamp",psa,ctype).